
Soohyun Koo

Sejong Village, the main area the World Script Symposia 2018 is held in, is the source of ‘Yuhang-literature’ in the Joseon Dynasty. Just as the word ‘Yuhang’ refers to the back alley of Seoul, Yuhang-literature refers to the Chinese literature by ‘Jung-in’ (the middle class), which is different from the Chinese literature by ‘Yangban’ (the noble class). Koo focuses on Yuhang-literature since it’s not only with pure artistic motivation and inspiration, but also with the class challenges and the limitations. Today, 'amateurism' tends to be treated from a negative point of view, such as lack of professionalism. However, the original value of amateurism embraces attitude and manner of pure enjoyment without a certain purpose.

Soohyun Koo
Koo has a steady interest in the roles and relationships defined by social institutions and the phenomenon of them. In recent work, she centralizes her interest into the contemporary art scene. It started from her personal experience of working in various locations such as installation assistant, designer, guardian, docent, assistant curator for over 10 years. The artist expresses interpretations of the art in the viewpoints of the periphery of the art scene, paying attention to the behavior and psychological state of each role.